Meet and greet; Make a junkbot; Design your classroom
Our world is driven by technological developments that spark societal change. Artists and designers critically reflect on and use these new technologies in their work. Interdisciplinary working conditions are becoming the norm especially in the fields of art, design and science.
During DAT Minor you will learn technological and artistic skills necessary to support your project. In doing so, you will develop critical thinking towards our rapidly evolving technological landscape and the use of digital techniques.
DAT Minor is a collaboration between Minerva Art Academy and the School for Communication, Media and ICT, of the Hanzehogeschool Groningen.
This semester I was in a totally different environment than the one I was used to. That's exactly what I wanted to be able to re-open that creative part of me, and I think that's what happened, for which I'm very grateful. This is a big change for me and in my way of thinking, I feel inspired and full of motivation. This change has had a very positive effect on me, and in the future, I will develop my abilities in animation and photography. I am glad that I was a part of the Design, Art and тechnology minor. (Stefani, student Marketing Management)
Meet and greet; Make a junkbot; Design your classroom
In depth technology weeks, courses into programming and electronics, film, 3D, VR
Work with the new knowledge on your own project(s)
Define and plan your work
Finalize your project and make it real
Your project is now a reality that people can see, hear, smell, touch.
The general class is meant to get to know each other and to deepen the understanding of yourself, your profession, and other cultures. You will watch and discuss documentaries, go to (online) exhibitions, and work on group projects. You will engage in creative and inspiring activities, such as shooting interesting video's, trips to different museums and experimental brainstorm sessions.
Learn to work with different materials and techniques. Think about soldering, welding, metal working, filming, 3D scan and print, video-mapping or motion capture. Each session is focussed on a specific theme, so you can quickly get comfortable with all the tooling that you can employ during the minor. Also, you will get to know the Minerva workshops.
During these classes you can work on assignments that are given on Fridays, or you can use the electronics workshop to work on your own projects. Teachers and TA's are available for you as a sparring partner, to answer specific questions or to help you with your ideas.
Learn usefull 3D skills, both from a design and a technological perspective. Get to know Cinema 4D, Skanect scanning (real life 3D scanning) and Unity. Play intruiging 3D games in order to get a deeper understanding of all the possibilities that this has to offer.
In this module (which takes place in the first six weeks of the minor), you will get introduced into methods and techniques you can use for you own project. Though DAT minor is neither a programming nor an electrical engineering course, some basic knowledge of both is required in order to get the most out of this minor: when you are familiar with these basics, you will know what is possible and what not – and how to get help or more information.
In this theory class, you will get to know the intruiging relationship of art and technology and how this relationship has evolved of the course of human history – and how it has actually formed this history.
All lessons take place at Minerva Art Academy. Most of the lessons will be on the location Zuiderdiep (see the map below), but some will be at location Preadiniussingel (a five minute walk from there). We have a special 'Minor Space' that we will use throughtout the semester
The minor is free for dutch students. For students from abroad, the normal semester fee will apply. You will need to pay some money for hardware and tooling, depending on your project. For the electronics and programming workshop, a deposit of fifty euro's is asked for the toolset: you will get this resposit reembursed if and when you return this set at the end of the semester.
The minor starts in September and/or February (min.10 students max. 20 students) DAT Minor takes up all of your time during this semester. Make sure you are able to commit.
Sign up for the get-together through Osiris (Hanze students), Kies-op-Maat (students for other Dutch universities of applied sciences) or an exchange-intake (exchange students, please apply through the application page).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bjorn Eerkes or Bart Barnard.